英語聽力差異化教學工作坊 演講摘要

103年度推動教師專業成長–英語聽力差異化教學工作坊 「演講摘要」

◎ Why Listen?

Speaker: Professor Richard Roshay, Emirates Institute of Banking and Financial Studies

“Why Listen?” is designed to provide local ESL instructors with an overview of listening as an ESL skill. as well as the importance listening as a “life skill”
This session examine some of the salient aspects of listening for academic purposes, particularly those which might make teaching listening different from the teaching of the other major language skills, i.e. Reading, Speaking and Writing. Within this, we will also consider the purpose of teaching listening as both a discreet skills and an integrated one.
Moving from theory to practice, sample listening-resource sites and activities will be reviewed.

◎ Using authentic videos for English learning

Speaker: Earl Custodio, Director for Content Development (English Central)

This session will begin with a demonstration several cool new corpus besed learning tools, including a system that ranks the difficulty of our more than 10,000 authentic videos and matches them with student ability-level, a spaced-repetition vocabulary learning system that helps students to quickly acquiring multiple aspects of word-knowledge via exposure to multiple authentic video contexts, a state-of-the-art voice recognition system that provides detailed analysis and practice of pronunciation at the phonemic level and a whole suite of scaffolding tools designed to make the authentic videos comprehensible to lower-level students, and an easy to use set of teacher tools to help you to create classes, set goals and track your students’ progress.


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