Perspectives Series

Perspectives Series

全系列共 4 冊
Authors:Lewis Lansford, Daniel Barber, Amanda Jeffries, Hugh Dellar
Publisher:Cengage Learning

Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. The carefully guided language lessons, real-world stories, and TED Talks motivate learners to think creatively and communicate effectively.

In Perspectives, learners develop an open mind, a critical eye and a clear voice in English.

  • Every unit explores one idea from different perspectives, giving learners opportunities for practicing language as they look at the world in new ways.
  • Students learn the critical thinking skills and strategies they need to evaluate new information and develop their own opinions and ideas.
  • Students respond to the unit theme and express their own ideas confidently in English.
  • Exam-style task types and test-taking strategies prepare students for a range of international exams.

ISBN & PRICE (價格以本公司電腦系統資料為準)

ISBN Title  Price
9781337277129 Perspectives (1): Student Book 600
9781337277136 Perspectives (2): Student Book 600
9781337277143 Perspectives (3): Student Book 600
9781337277150 Perspectives (4): Student Book 600
9781337297318 Perspectives (1): Workbook 350
9781337297295 Perspectives (2): Workbook 350
9781337297301 Perspectives (3): Workbook 350
9781337297325 Perspectives (4): Workbook 350
9781337297448 Perspectives (4A): Combo Split (Includes Units 1-5 of the Student Book and Workbook) 500
分類: New Books。這篇內容的永久連結


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