ETA演講第3場-主講教材Take Shape

● 講題:

Teaching and Learning Vocabulary without Flashcards !

● 時間: 2010.11.12 (五) / 16:40~17:40 at R318

● 摘要:

Without any vocabulary, you can say nothing.  Vocabulary is the starting point of language learning and with over 1 million words in the English language, word acquisition continues throughout a student’s life.  This presentation will focus on the best ways to aid children’s memorization of words and spelling through games, mindmaps, picture dictionaries, story-telling and other activities.  You no more need flashcards to teach vocabulary!  Examples will be taken from Macmillan Education’s new key title Take Shape which has a systematic approach to presenting and practicing vocabulary.

● 講者:

Sandra Wu is currently the General Manager for Macmillan Education in Taiwan.  She has been involved in ELT for 14 years.  Her experience includes teaching children and adult English, giving teacher training, and implementing ELT marketing and sales plans in Taiwan.  She holds an MA in ELT and Linguistics from University of Leeds and an MA in Learning and Teaching of English and Literacy from Institute of Education, University of London.  In 2004, she received a teacher training certificate from Embassy CES, International Teacher Training Institute, Hastings, UK.  In 2006, she has been awarded Band 4 in TKT Module 2.

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