POCKETS , Second Edition
Preschool 適合幼稚園
Mario Herrera and Barbara Hojel – Pearson Longman
Pockets develops English language and psychomotor/conceptual skills through hands-on, fun activities, and equips children for continued success in learning English.
- Pockets, second Edition, a three level English course for children aged 3-5, develops language and developmental skills through hands-on, fun activities. 全套共三冊,每冊9個單元,適合小中大班各使用一年。
- Children confidently learn English through conversations, songs, and chants, punch-out or cut-out activities, stickers and a video program.內容豐富多元,字母、會話、歌曲、童韻、貼紙、聽力活動、角色扮演幫助幼兒自然輕鬆學習。
- Age-appropriate fun practice activities carefully develop the motor and pre-reading / pre-writing skills. 教材內容與活動均配合幼兒生理發展,如:著色、黏貼、描繪…等小肌肉訓練。
- A video program motivates children and help them build confidence in communicating English. 活潑的Video讓教學更多元。
- Theme-related Tell-a-Stories promote children’s interest in learning to read and provide a home-school connection. 每單元均搭配一篇故事小書,讓幼兒也能享受閱讀興趣。
- A value curriculum is added to teach children the right thing to do. 配合主題的品格教育單元培養優良品格。
Student Book with CD-ROM (Levels 2-3)、Workbook with Songs and Chants CD、Reading and writing Workbook (one for program), Interleaved Teacher’s Edition, class audio CD, Large-format Picture Cards, Large-format Posters, Teacher’s Bonus Pockets (for one program), Video (DVD) with Guide
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