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高中職英文教師 -英語聽力差異化教學工作坊







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Effective College Writing:A Process-Genre Approach


Effective College Writing:A Process-Genre Approach
(Second Edition)

Author:KC Lee.Happy Goh.Janet Chan.Ying Yang
Publisher:McGraw-Hill Education (2009)


Effective College Writing is specifically written for pre-tertiary or tertiary students in Asian countries where the medium of instruction is English. The book aims to help students cope with writing in an academic setting through the use of the process-genre approach. Students will learn how to plan, organize, research, and produce different genres of academic writing through a variety of relevant and challenging activities and tasks. Reflection exercises, self-evaluation checklists, and peer review checklists are also included to help students be more autonomous in their learning.


分類: New Books | 發佈留言

Introducing Communication Theory


Introducing Communication Theory:
Analysis and Application, 5th

Author:Richard West / Lynn H. Turner
Publisher :McGraw Hill Higher Education  (2014)


Introducing Communication TheoryAnalysis and Application focuses on the links among theory and everyday experiences. The text uses an engaging writing style to present the concept of theory, and helps students become insightful critical thinkers.

分類: New Books | 發佈留言

Experiencing Intercultural Communication


Experiencing Intercultural Communication:
An Introduction, 5th

Author:Judith N. Martin / Thomas K. Nakayama
Publisher :McGraw Hill Higher Education  (2014)


Experiencing Intercultural Communication: An Introduction provides students with a framework to begin building their intercultural communication skills. Through understanding the complexities of intercultural interaction, students begin the process of learning about other cultures in their professional endeavors and personal relationships.

分類: New Books | 發佈留言

Journal of English Education Vol.2 No.1


Journal of English Education Vol.2  No.1  November 2013

Department of Applied Foreign Languages,
Shih Chien University

Publisher: Tung Hua Book Co., Ltd.

PriceNT$ 899

Journal of English Education (JEE) is a refereed, intemational journal covering every aspect of English education within and across all disciplines, with papers reporting primary research addressing implications and applocations of research, discussing practice, and examining principles and theories. It serves as a means of scholarly exchange among scholars, researchers, and practitioners in the field of English language teaching and learning.

JEE is published biannually (in May and November), and covers a wide variety of topics in academic and professional English domains, including English language teaching and learning, curriculum and materials design, testing and assessment, professional preparation, pedagogy, research methodology, and key issues in interdisciplinary teaching and learning. We welcome papers all year round. The language of publication is English.


分類: New Books | 發佈留言

Reading Master


Reading Master

CEF Level:A2-C2 (Elementary-Advanced)

Author:James Baron
Publisher: Cengage Learning

The Reading Master series consists of twelve units and four review units.


分類: New Books | 發佈留言