Teaching Grammar Creatively


The Resourceful Teacher Series

Teaching Grammar Creatively
(with CD-ROM/1片)

AuthorGünter GerngrossHerbert Puchta.Scott Thornbury
PublisherHelbling Language (2006)

PriceNT$ 1,300

Teaching Grammar Creatively offers more than 50 complete lessons covering a wide range of grammar structures, learner levels, and age groups. Each lesson is divided into two main sections: Language Awareness Activities and Creative Grammar Practice. The Language Awareness Activities are designed to introduce and provide initial practice of items that may not yet be familiar to your students. The Creative Grammar Practice section provides ideas for a deeper and more personalised familiarisation with these items, always with an element of individual creativity. Each lesson ends with the creation of a learner text –  a permanent and original record of the grammar, in the form of a story or a poem, for example.

Teaching Grammar Creatively comes with a CD ROM containing text files of the model texts, worksheets, language boxes, and the artwork from the book. It also offers you audio recordings of the model text, to be played directly from your computer or a CD player.

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