Pronounce it Perfectly in English, 3/e


Pronounce it Perfectly in English, 3/e
with 4 Audio CDs

Author:Jean Yates
Publisher:Barron’s Educational Series (2013)

Price:NT$ 900

ESL students, TOEFL and TOEIC test takers, and all others for whom English is a second language and who want to improve their pronunciation will find this book and compact disc combination especially instructive.

The new Edition presents many exercises that provide practice in every sound that is specific to American-style English. Emphasis is on the formation of the vowel and consonant sounds plus all of their possible spellings, the significance of correct pronunciation of grammatical markers, and stress and intonation patterns in conversational English. Recognition of these patterns is essential for fluent speech and listening comprehension. Four compact discs give students more than five hours of intensive speaking practice.

分類: New Books。這篇內容的永久連結


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