Global Outlook


Global Outlook (with CD/1片)

Intro to Book 2
(Intermediate  to Advanced )

By Brenda Bushell.Brenda Dyer

Global Outlook is a newly updated three-level series that introduces language learners to the basic reading skills and strategies necessary for academic success.

 Although the focus is on reading, the other three language skills are included as supporting skills to provide holistic learning.


分類: New Books | 發佈留言

Challenge the TOEIC Test


Challenge the TOEIC Test
(with MP3 CD /1片)


By Marc Anthony, Lance Gura, Jenny Wilsen

Challenge the TOEIC Test  provides valuable test practice. The series offers students an opportunity to raise their general English ability while learning important test-taking skills such as time management.

Each book in the series has three practice tests featuring questions similar to those in the official TOEIC test. A wide range of topic is covered in the tests, from general office management and travel to real estate and marketing.


分類: New Books | 發佈留言

同步翻譯 (2), 第五版


同步翻譯 (2), 第五版
Simultaneous Interpretation (2), 5ed


ISBN: 9789574837212
Price: NT$350



分類: New Books | 發佈留言

2012 ETA 東華講座第3場

講題: 大學英文課程內容再探

日期/時間: 2012.11.10 (Sat) 下午4:40-5:40

地點: 欣悅廳

講者: 林茂松、姚小虹


大學英文課程該以何種內容為主?生活英文、學術英文、職場英文、專業英文該如何搭配?這些內容比例如何?孰先孰後?個人、學校、公共領域、職場等情境如何相互結合?這些問題近年來論者頗眾,但其實沒有絕對的答案。課程設計首需釐清學習者的程度與需要,再參酌語言學習的理論,才能設計出適合學習者使用的教材。我國大學生英文能力差異極大,各領域專長的學生需具備的英文能力頗為懸殊,因此很難設計一套適合所有學習者的教材。本文試圖從歐洲共同語文參考架構(CEFR)四大領域七大類組(4 Domains & 7 Categories of External Context of Use)的觀點,探討理想的大學英文教材應該具備的內容。


分類: Events | 發佈留言

2012 ETA 東華講座第2場

講題: Motivating Young Learners

日期/時間: 2012.11.10 (Sat) 下午3:30-4:30

地點: 334教室

講者: 林玲綺 (Barbara Lin)


In order to motivate children to learn a foreign language, we need to arouse their natural curiosity and give them tasks which quickly enable them to use new skills. Young learners can begin to develop critical thinking skills which enable them to analyse and process content rather than learn by rote. In my presentation, I will look at ways we can motivate children to learn English by giving them accomplishable tasks and realistic aims using a variety of ELT activities from the Gateway series.


分類: Events | 發佈留言

2012 ETA 東華講座第1場

講題: From Vocabulary Acquisition to Confident Reading

日期/時間: 2012.11.10 (Sat) 上午9:40-10:40

地點: 334教室

講者: Justin Kaley


Most experts agree that lack of adequate vocabulary is one of the key obstacles to reading comprehension. However, with an estimated 1 million plus words in the English language – not to mention a seemingly endless number of idiomatic expressions – attaining a sufficient mastery of vocabulary needed to read can prove to be a daunting, and, at times, frustrating task to any learner. Despite the enormous challenge, there are tried and true methods for students to overcome the vocabulary blues. This workshop will introduce ways for teachers to provide a full vocabulary ‘workout’ in each reading class. By explicitly focusing on and recycling key words, using effective pre/post-reading activities, and introducing vocabulary strategies such as utilizing context to deduce meaning and mnemonics to remember words, teachers can design a comprehensive program that nurtures both reading ability and vocabulary acquisition simultaneously.


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