Meetings in English


Meetings in English (with Audio CD)

–Be effective in international meetings

By Byram Stephens

點選查看ISBN與定價 <2012.2月開始銷售>

Meetings in English is for anyone who needs to use English to organise or participate in meetings. This Book covers all aspects of meetings in English: the different types of meeting, arranging and preparing for meetings, socialising in and around meetings, managing and participating in discussions, and follow up. The course deals not only with the communication  skills necessary for a wide range of meeting contexts but also with the networking skills required to build effective relationships.

There are twenty units of four pages each, but these are very flexible and can be studied independently from each other.

Meetings in English focuses on the skills and techniques to help gain confidence and build strategies for successful meetings in English:  

  • having a range of speaking skills which enable opinions to be expressed clearly and effectively,
  • being able to listen and understand messages from a variety of speakers and respond appropriately,
  • using an appropriate level  of vocabulary and structures to describe and discuss a wide range of topics,
  • being culturally sensitive when chairing or participating in international meetings.


Key Features

  • A ‘can-do’ check list allows each student to prioritise relevant material and monitor progress
  • Case study scenarios and intercultural meeting situations
  • Answer Key and Audio CD at the back of the book

Free resource website with business English material at:

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