Longman Academic Reading Series


Longman Academic Reading Series-Reading Skills for College

Level:A1-C1 (Beginner to

Publisher:Pearon Education

The Longman Academic Reading Series is a five-level series that prepares English language learners for academic work. The aim of the series is to make students more effective and confident readers by providing high-interest readings on academic subjects and by teaching them skills and strategies for effective reading, vocabulary building, note-taking, and critical thinking. The series also encourages students to discuss and write about the ideas they discovered in the readings, making them better speakers and writers of English as well.


  • Readings based on academic sources - Every reading in the text focuses on an academic subject and is chosen with the intent of providing different and intriguing perspectives on the theme.
  • Multiple reading genres - Readings come from a variety of soures or genres, from textbooks to on-line articles, and are written by a variety of experts from widely different fields.
  • Explicit academic skills - From critical reading to vocabulary building, note-taking, and critical thinking, the Longman Academic Reading Series provides students with a holistic approach to effective reading.
  • Corpus - Informed approach to vocabulary (AWL) - Students build vocabulary and acquire skills that will help them become more confident and successful in preparing for their academic work.
  • A Grammar for Reading section in each chapter presents a short review and practice of a grammar structure often emcountered in academic texts.
    [ just for Book4 and 5]
  • A Teacher’s Manual at www.pearsonelt.com/tmkeys provides teaching suggestions, answer keys, and quizzes.


9780132786645 Longman Academic Reading Series 1 (A1) 550
9780132785822 Longman Academic Reading Series 2 (A2) 550
9780132760591 Longman Academic Reading Series 3 (B1) 550
9780132760614 Longman Academic Reading Series 4 (B2) 550
9780132760676 Longman Academic Reading Series 5 (C1) 550
分類: New Books。這篇內容的永久連結


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