Literature and the Bible: A Reader


Literature and the Bible: A Reader

Author: Jo Carruthers, Mark Knight and Andrew Tate
Publisher: Routledge; 1 edtion (2013)

ISBN: 9780415698535
Price: NT$1,000

This book traces the emergence and development of Literature and the Bible as a  field of scholarship, presenting key critical essays alongside more recent criticism that explores new directions. The Western literary tradition has a long and complex relationship with the Jewish and Christian scriptures. Authors draw on the Bible in numerous ways and for different reasons, and there is also the myriad of subconscious ways through which the biblical text enters literary culture. Biblical stories, characters, motifs and references permeate the whole of the literary tradition.

In the last thirty years there has been a growth of critical interest in this relationship. In Literary and the Bible: A Reader the editors bring together a selection of the key critical and theoretical materials from this timem, providing a comprehensive resource for students and scholars.

Each chapter contains:

  • An introduction from the editors, contextualising the material within and alerting readers to some of the historic debates that feed into the extracts chosen
  • A set of previously published extracts of substantial length, offering greater contextualisation and allowing the Reader to be used flexibly
  • Lists of further reading, providing readers with a wide variety of other sources and perspectives.

Designed to be used alongside the Bible and selected literary texts, this book is essential reading for anyone studying Literature and the Bible in undergraduate English, Religion and Theology degrees.

About the Author

Jo Carruthers is Lecturer in the Department of English and Creative Writing at Lancaster University, UK.

Mark Knight is Associate Professor in the Department of English at the University of Toronto, Canada.

Andrew Tate is Senior Lecturer in the Department of English and Creative Writing an Lancaster University, UK.


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