Exploring Translation Theories, 2/e


Exploring Translation Theories, 2/e

Author:Anthony Pym
Publisher:Routledge (2014)

Price:NT$ 900

Exploring Translation Theories presents a comprehensive analysis of the core contemporary paradigms of Western translation theory.

The book covers theories of equivalence, purpose, description, uncertainty, localization, and cultural translation. This second edition adds coverage on new translation technologies, volunteer translators, non-lineal logic, mediation, Asian languages, and research on translators’ cognitive processes. Readers are encouraged to explore the various theories and consider their strengths, weaknesses, and implications for translation practice. The book concludes with a survey of the way translation is used as a model in postmodern cultural studies and sociologies, extending its scope beyond traditional Western notions.

Features in each chapter include

  • An introduction outlining the main points, key concepts, and illustrative examples.
  • Examples drawn from a range of languages, although knowledge of no language other than English is assumed.
  • Discussion points and suggested classroom activities.
  • A chapter summary.

This comprehensive and engaging book is ideal both for self-study and as a textbook for translation theory courses.

分類: New Books。這篇內容的永久連結


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