Academic Listening and Speaking


Academic Listening and Speaking


CEFR Level:High A2 / Low B1 / High B1

AuthorsAlastair Graham-Marr, Ben Tutcher
PublisherABAX ELT Publishers

Academic Listening and Speaking 1 is the first book in a three level series designed to help students develop the skills needed to use English in academic settings.

Students get practice developing listening skills, note-taking skills, summarizing and paraphrasing, all with a focus on critical thinking.

Introduces students to topics in the sciences, social sciences and the arts- readying them for study in an English academic setting.

  • Critical thinking: helps students approach topics critically by identifying support. seeing where doubt is cast and assessing what is presented. Students get practice assessing writer purpose, fact vs opinion, supporting evidence and other aspects of argumentation.
  • Summarizing and paraphrasing: Students get practice summarizing simple topics. In addition to presenting simple topics, students get practice explaining how separate texts are related to each other, learning how to explain how one text supports another, or how one text casts doubt on another.
  • Listening: Students will learn to comprehend naturally spoken English, Its weak forms and reductions. Each unit has a section of analytical listenings to help students understand the natural stress and rhythm of English-how vowels become weak, how sounds disappear, how sounds link together and so on.
  • Vocabulary: Students will learn useful words associated with each topic area. In addition, in each unit students get practice explaining what words mean, a useful communication strategy in an academic environment.
  • Note-taking: Students will develop their note-taking skills systematically by learning techniques for writing ideas down quickly.

Academic Listening and Speaking-a bridge into the world of study through English.


ISBN Title Price
9781896942872 Academic Listening and Speaking (1) 500
分類: New Books。這篇內容的永久連結


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