The Resourceful Teacher Series
Multiple Intelligences in EFL
Author:Herbert Puchta.Mario Rinvolucri
Publisher:Helbling Language (2005)
Price:NT$ 1,100
Multiple Intelligences in EFL provides a concise overview of the latest research into human intelligence and offers practical suggestions for the teaching of adolescent and adult students. The book is divided into five chapters, General MI exercises, Teaching from a coursebook, Looking out, Looking in and Self-management.
Multiple Intelligences in EFL demonstrates how you can systematically activate other intelligences in your language lessons, in addtion to the verbal-linguistic one. Thus, your students will feel more “addressed” in your class and you will be better able to appreciate otherwise often hidden strengths of your students and use these to further develop their language learning.
Multiple Intelligences in EFL offers a lot of fun for your students – through 74 clear and easy-to-follow teaching recipes!