
第一場 10:00~11:00

主題: Building Fluency    /主講者: Sandra Wu

Get your students saying more, give your students more ideas, increase your students confidence, hear them speaking faster, listen to them reading quicker. These are some of the results you can expect to see in your students when they use the cutting edge learning activities that aim to build fluency in young learners reading and speaking.

第二場 11:10a.m-12:10p.m

主題: Enhancing Communicative Competence through Cooperative Learning 

主講者: 梁彩玲 博士

In this workshop, participants are going to learn how to implement communicative language teaching through the teaching system of cooperative learning. The workshop will start from the comprehensive definition of communicative competence in the four areas of linguistic, sociolinguistic, discoursal, and strategic competence. Based upon the understanding of communicative competence, attention will be brought to the pedagogical implications of Communicative Language Teaching: (1) appropriateness vs. grammaticality, (2) fluency vs. accuracy, (3) active participation vs. passive reception. Finally, key elements of cooperative learning will be presented to distinguish cooperative learning from group learning.

第三場 13:20-14:20

主題: Explore, Discover Learn: Multi-modal Language Instruction through a global Context

主講者: Torban Nielsen

Vocabulary and communicative speaking practice through conversation dialogs continue to be a strong focus for Primary and Junior High School English language learning classrooms in Taiwan. Teachers are always looking for new activities to inspire students and make sure they acquire the language they need. Through the increase in technology, a ‘multi-modal language learning environment’ is now here for students to explore English in new interactive ways.

第四場 14:40-15:40

主題:Why Are Activities Important in Language learning Classroom

主講者:Lisa Huang

Language learning is a hard task. Due to the limited time of the syllabus and curriculum, it might be a challenge for teachers to add some activities in class.

One useful strategy to encourage language acquisition is using language activities. While using activities in the classroom, it is helpful for teachers to have a complete understanding of students’ learning. Teachers can also consider the benefits of activities: the skills to capture students’ attention; lower students’ stress; and give students the chance for real communication.

第五場 15:50-16:50

主題:Engaging Students through Anticipation

主講者:Garry Young

Students need to be prepared for the reading first by building expectation.

Prior to reading, tasks and objectives need to be presented to the students.

Before reading:

  • Pre-learning brainstorming
  • Background or pre-learning vocabulary
  • Prediction
  • Picture interpretation
  • Jumbled title

During reading:

  • Drawing
  • Deducting
  • Title creation
  • Role playing
  • “What if” interjections
  • Skimming and scanning

Other important areas:

  • Decoding approach to vocabulary
  • Vocabulary enrichment
  • Interpretation of background/settings/characters/plot
  • Fluency work
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