2016 Tung Hua Primary Day [ Part I ]

2016 Tung Hua Primary Day [Part I] 活動時間及地點


Topic 1Developing literate young learners: The building blocks for a comprehensive literacy program

Early Literacy is central to any English language learning journey and the emphasis on creating literate learners is becoming ever more important. Having a complete literacy program is essential to ensuring learners have every opportunity to nurture the necessary skills for modern education. In this session, Jake Whiddon will introduce the fundamental building blocks and approaches to developing Young Learner literacy. Jake will examine the importance of letter sound recognition, integrating authentic texts, and grammatical accuracy in a literacy curriculum. The session will also demonstrate instant strategies and practical techniques teachers can apply to classes, to support learners with reading and writing in their early stages of language development.

About the presenter

Jake Whiddon is a Regional Teacher Trainer with Macmillan Education. Jake has a strong background in ELT teaching and training with over 10 years’  experience in China. He spent many years working with very young learners aged 3-5. Jake has worked as a course director for the Trinity College London DipTESOL & CertTESOL courses and in various teaching management positions. Jake’s passions in ELT are teaching phonology & phonics, creating meaningful learning environments and highlighting the wonders of reading to learners. Jakes holds a Trinity DipTESOL and International Diploma in Language Teaching Management from the University of Queensland, Australia.

Topic 2From Phonics to Reading

Phonics is a way of teaching children to read quickly and skillfully. Children can then use this knowledge to "de-code" new words that they hear or see. This is the first important step in learning to read. Research shows that when phonics is taught in a structured way, it is the most effective way of teaching young children to read. In this session, the presenter will share practical teaching tips and demonstrate a lot of fun and interesting activities that teachers can bring immediately into their classrooms.

About the presenter

Candice Morrow has been an ESL teacher for 14 years and has worked as a curriculum planner, International camp designer and ESL trainer. She has worked with students of all ages to prepare them for the challenges they would need to overcome. She believes that students need not only learn how to use the language for educational purposes but also to be able to communicate and participate in all aspects of life utilizing the language skills they have acquired.

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