2014 ETA 東華講座 第二場

講題Help Your Students Improve Their TOEIC Score

日期/時間2014.11.14 (Fri.) 16:40~17:40

地點教學區 325教室

講者 Celia Wigley

“Listening is really difficult for me. I just can’t understand everything that the speakers say.”

“I can’t always find important information in the reading passages.”

“My pronunciation is bad. I’m afraid that the test graders won’t even understand me during the Speaking Test!”

“My grammar and spelling are weak, so I’m afraid I’ll make a lot of mistakes in the Writing test.”

Are these comments that your students make? These are challenges that many students face when taking the TOEIC® Test. If you’d like to leave ETA ROC with some solutions to these challenges, then this talk is for you.

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