2012 ETA 東華講座第2場

講題: Motivating Young Learners

日期/時間: 2012.11.10 (Sat) 下午3:30-4:30

地點: 334教室

講者: 林玲綺 (Barbara Lin)


In order to motivate children to learn a foreign language, we need to arouse their natural curiosity and give them tasks which quickly enable them to use new skills. Young learners can begin to develop critical thinking skills which enable them to analyse and process content rather than learn by rote. In my presentation, I will look at ways we can motivate children to learn English by giving them accomplishable tasks and realistic aims using a variety of ELT activities from the Gateway series.

講者簡介: 林玲綺 (Barbara Lin)

美國Fairleigh Dickinson University英語教學碩士




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